7 Supa' Spices
So I'm always trying to find out what foods give you the most nutritional bang for your buck. Imagine my delight when I saw an ad in my Eating Well magazine for McCormick and their seven spices to boost your health. Now I won't feel so guilty eating those nachos if I just sprinkle some oregano on it, ha!
1.) Cinnamon: has one of the highest antioxidant levels of any spice and even more than many foods. One teaspoon of this warm-tasting spice has as many antioxidants a full cup of pomegranate juice or ½ cup of blueberries. Additionally, cinnamon is also rich in natural compounds called polyphenols which appear to act like insulin in the body and may help regulate blood sugar levels.
2.) Ginger: eases indigestion and reduce pain. One of the active ingredients in ginger, gingerol, has anti-inflammatory properties. Some studies suggest that this ging compound may work like certain drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen by inhibiting an enzyme that causes inflammation. Research hints that ginger may offer pain relief for everything from arthritis to nausea and migraines.
3.) Oregano: Of all the dried herbs, oregano has one of the highest antioxidant levels. One teaspoon of dried oregano leaves has as many antioxidants as three ounces of almonds and ½ cup of chopped asparagus. Oh yeah and random factoid for you, if you haven't watched Rachael Ray enough, oregano means "joy of the mountain."
4.) Red pepper: Capsaicin is the fiery compound in peppers that gives chiles their heat and their antioxidants. The hotter the pepper, the more of these two guys you'll find. Cayenne or ground red pepper contains the most, but all red peppers, including chili powder and the milder paprika, are surprisingly good sources of antioxidants. This spice also has dietary benefits. That capsaicin compond helps increase satiety, or a feeling of fullness. Beyond helping you control your appetite, findings of some studies indicate that adding cayenne, chili powder and paprika to your meal can help boost your metabolism. If you can't stand the heat, sweet red peppers have been found to increase calorie burning as well.
5.) Rosemary: antioxidants
6.) Thyme: Just one teaspoon of this herb contains about the same amount of antioxidants as a carrot or a ½ cup chopped tomatoes. Thyme also contains a variety of special compounds called flavonoids that increase the herb's antioxidant strength and may offer anti-inflammatory benefits. Some studies suggest the antioxidants in thyme could help maintain brain function and promote heart health.
7.) Yellow curry: Turmeric, found in curry powder, is a concentrated source of antioxidants, equal to strawberries, raspberries, cherries and grapes. According to some studies, curcumin, the bright yellow compound in turmeric, may help inhibit the growth of cancer cells, reduce inflammation and safeguard the brain. In some studies, curcumin helped fight off the development of destructive brain plaques. As a result, this cognitive-friendly compound may be able to protect against Alzheimer's disease.
Saturday, January 30, 2010 | Labels: food, health | 0 Comments
Online Sample Sites!
I know lots of people are aware about these online sample sale sites, but I felt the need to share because they are so incredibly awesome! Join all of them (membership is free) so you can get access to all the expensive stuff for like, 1/3 of retail. Enjoy :)
Ru La La
Editor's Closet
Beyond the Rack
Billion Dollar Babes
Friday, January 29, 2010 | Labels: economize, fashion, zoe's own list | 0 Comments
10 Foods to Get Your Folate
Folate (aka folic acid) is essential for women because it helps the baby's development in pregnancy. It's also important for the fellas because it helps produce red blood cells, prevents anemia, helps skin cells grow, aids nervous system function, prevents bone fractures, and lowers risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. To get your folate, you can try the following foods:
1.) Cooked lentils (1 cup, 229 calories): 89 percent daily value
2.) Cooked navy beans (1 cup, 258 calories): 63 percent daily value
3.) Cooked beets (1 cup, 74 calories):34 percent daily value
4.) Cooked split peas (1 cup, 231 calories): 31 percent daily value
5.)Papaya (118 calories): 28 percent daily value
6.) Mustard greens (1 cup, 21 calories): 25 percent daily value
7.) Raw peanuts (1/4 cup, 207 calories): 21 percent daily value
8.) Flaxseeds (2 tbsp., 95 calories): 13 percent daily value
9.) Orange (61 calories): 10 percent daily value
10.)Raspberries (1 cup, 60 calories): 8 percent daily value
Friday, January 29, 2010 | Labels: food, health | 0 Comments
10 Ways to Detox
And no, I'm not talking about that lemon juice cleanse fad. These things actually aren't too bad!
10.) Eat dark chocolate-lots of antioxidants
9.) Use zero-VOC paint, so you don't have to deal with the smell
8.) Drink filtered tap water instead of the plastic bottled stuff
7.) Grow houseplants...they clean the air
6.) Apply a clay mask: it purifies skin
5.) Don't dry clean clothes; hand-wash them then steam
4.) Use body lotion that doesn't have parabens in them. High doses of these synthetic preservatives can disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system. Since body lotions cover a large amount of surface area; it's good to pay attention to these
3.) Buy organic produce if you eat the skin, or wash non-organic produce with some sort of natural cleanser
2.) Once a year, leave your pillows, comforters, etc. on a tarp in the garage overnight when it's freezing outside. It freezes away the allergens to death
1.) Take off your shoes at the door and put them on a newspaper
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 | Labels: health | 0 Comments
10 Uses for Vodka (Besides screwdrivers)
Most people drink the vodka that they buy, but you can actually use it for different tasks. I would recommend buying the cheap $10 stuff though...no Grey Goose for these!
10.) Treating poison ivy: immediately pour vodka on skin that has come into contact with poison ivy, and the it will wash away urushiol oil, the stuff that makes you itch. Some have said that the vodka needs to be at least 100 proof to work.
9.) Freshen laundry: spritz your clothes with the stuff, then hang to dry in a well-ventilated area. Vodka kills odor-causing bacteria, but doesn't leave a scent when it dries.
8.) Clean fixtures: to get your chrome, glass and porcelain fixtures clean and shiny, moisten a soft, clean cloth with vodka, then scrub.
7.) Preserve fresh flowers: add a few drops of vodka and a teaspoon of sugar to the water in your flower vase. It should help keep your flowers fresh longer. Change out the mixture with fresh ingredients daily.
6.) Insect repellent: pour a little of the clear stuff in a spray bottle and squirt on the buggy annoyances, or yourself as a repellent.
5.) Disinfect and soothe jellyfish stings
4.) Shiny, healthy hair: add a jigger of vodka to a 12-ounce bottle of shampoo.
3.) Eliminate mold: fill a spray bottle with some vodka and spritz on, then let sit for 15 minutes. Scrub away with an old toothbrush.
2.) Soothing lavender tincture: fill a clean glass jar with fresh lavender flowers, then top off with vodka. Seal the lid tightly and place in the sun for three days.Strain the resulting liquid through a coffee filter, and you have a homemade tincture to rub into aches and pains.
1.) Toothache remedy: swish a shot of vodka over the affected area. It can help disinfect, and should numb some of the pain in your gums.
Friday, January 22, 2010 | Labels: new uses, random | 0 Comments
10 Fashion Trends for 2010
There will probably be more lists like this, but here's a couple of ideas for some trends to try in 2010...
10.) Foulards (those thingies they put on ties) and vintage pins
9.) Bug jewelry (ok I will NOT be trying this! I HATE bugs!)
8.) Vintage glasses
7.) Hair jewelry (I was already doing this before it was popular!)
6.) Plaid (my Scottish grandma would NEVER let me call it this; it's a TARTAN!)
5.) Coiffed hair
4.) Leather
3.) Ribbon embellishment
2.) Peaked padding on the shoulders a la' Lady Gaga (She can pull it off...me? Not so much)
1.) Denim (Hasn't that always been a classic and not a trend?? Whatevs...maybe they mean jeggings)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 | Labels: fashion | 0 Comments
8 Benefits of Massage Therapy
So after going to the spa last weekend (Christmas gift from the boyfriend), and facing surprise and awe by the staff because I had never been to a spa before (I'm in my mid-twenties...is that really so bad?) I decided to include the benefits of massage therapy that this spa lists in their pamphlet. FYI: massages are indeed awesome! I'm hooked! If only they weren't so expensive!
1.) Increases metabolism
2.) Helps speed healing
3.) Relaxes and refreshes
4.) Improves blood circulation
5.) Relieves fatigue
6.) Reduces tension and anxiety
7.) Calms the nervous system
8.) Renews energy
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 | Labels: beauty, health, in print exclusive | 0 Comments
5 Low Calorie Drinks
Yes, alcoholic ones! (Are there any other kinds?)
1.) Champagne-85 cal.
2.) Sour Apple Martini-160 cal.
3.) Vodka and diet lime-flavored soda like Sprite Zero-under 100 cal.
4.) Mudslide-184 cal.
5.) Gin and tonic-103 cal.
Monday, January 18, 2010 | Labels: food, out and about | 0 Comments
Glamour's Love and Life Resolutions
I know it's a little late, but if you still need some resolutions this year, Glamour's January issue had some good ideas. I know I'm trying out a few!
1.) Don't let a week go by without telling someone that you love them. Out loud. Pets count. So does your reflection in the mirror.
2.) Wave that freak flag high. One way to do it: On Facebook, go to Settings, then Account Settings, then Language. On the Primary Language menu, select "English (pirate)." Really, it's magnificent.
3.) You know those days when you no one's around and you download that song that always makes you dance, and then you kill five minutes completely rocking it in your house? Make lots of days one of those days.
4.) By a "good decision" piggy bank. Pay yourself a dollar every time you skip the third drink, go to bed early or make the difficult phone call. At the end of the year, by yourself a "good decision" present. You've earned it.
5.) If you can't find something decent to watch on TV, turn it off.
6.) Sarah Jessica Parker's resolution: Buy less. Are you really going to wear that pair of shoes? Are you really going to wear that bag?
7.) For every time he initiates it, initiate it twice.
8.) Find out the dates of every election in your district (check out smartvoter.org). Vote in all of them-and enjoy the feeling of getting involved.
9.) Always read the kid a book (and definitely pat the bunny).
10.) All together now: This year there will be no drunk-texting of exes. Also no drunk-tweeting or status-updating; at least no until they invent the great Internet erase machine.
11.) On a piece of paper, write down 5 reasons you would want to marry yourself. Doesn't that feel nice?
Monday, January 18, 2010 | Labels: in print exclusive, the good life | 0 Comments
World's Most Stylish Cities
Obviously, they're some of the most expensive cities too! For all you who can't afford to go to any of these places in the near future (like me); this list at least gives you ides for what types of coffee table books to buy.
10.) Barcelona
9.) San Francisco
8.) Madrid
7.) Tokyo
6.) Los Angeles
5.) Rome
4.) London
3.) New Work City
2.) Milan
1.) Paris
Thursday, January 14, 2010 | Labels: random | 0 Comments
10 Ways to Look Better in Pictures
You'll no longer have to untag yourself from Facebook pics if you follow these pointers:
10.) Fake a tummy tuck: Twist your torso, turning one shoulder toward the camera and the other away from it
9.) Pucker up: A berry lip color with a hint of sheen flatters everyone. Avoid nudes, which can make you look like a corpse once the flash hits. Avoid bright colors as well, which often come across as harsh.
8.) Don't drink and pose: Try to take pictures early, like before the third drink. You're more in control and your eyes won't look droopy.
7.) Go natural: don't put on lots of hair product
6.) Let the camera do the work: use a good, quality camera
5.) Stick your neck out: Push your face forward ever so slightly. It feels absolutely ridiculous when you're doing it, but it makes your face look thinner and hides any sign of a double chin.
4.) Seek out the sunset: flattering lighting
3.) Don't sweat it: minimize shine on your face with a matte makeup
2.) Say "money:" The strong e sound makes the corners of your mouth go up and the crinkles around your eyes make it look like a genuine smile.
1.) Trademark your look: Is your right side more flattering? Does a subtle smile look sexier? Pull out all of your favorite pictures of yourself and see what you like. You'll probably find a look that's consistent. Once you know how you like yourself to look, it's much easier to replicate.
Thursday, January 14, 2010 | Labels: beauty, random | 0 Comments
Cheapest Cities to find a Beer Under $2
They don't say what types of beers though...these better not all be for Keystone Light!
Allentown, Pa $1.25
Antigo, Wi $1.25
Athens, OH $1.85
Elmira , NY $1.75
Fort, Tx $1.99
Lock Haven Pa. $1.75
Mt. Vernon, IL. $1.50
Pontiac,MI $1
Sunnyvale, CA $1.52
Texarkana,Ar $1.50
Waterford, MI $1.55
Wenona, IL $1
Wheeling, WV $1.25
Thursday, January 14, 2010 | Labels: cheapie cheap, random | 0 Comments
12 Ways to Boost your Self-Confidence
For all those days where you feel like dog poo. Think about some of these!
1.) Think about what you have achieved in life
2.) Make a list of all your strengths
3.) Think positive thoughts
4.) Set small goals you can easily achieve
5.) Recognize your insecurities
6.) Don't look at yourself as being inferior to others
7.) Communicate with friends and family
8.) Remember that all humans are imperfect
9.) Be thankful
10.) Help others
11.) Don't brush off compliments that are paid to you
12.) Mind over matter
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 | Labels: self, the good life | 0 Comments
10 Foods for Your Looks
They say beauty comes from within...this list literally shows you how:
1.) Lobster/shellfish: healthy, shiny hair, prevent acne
2.) Chia seeds/flax/sunflower or pumpkin seeds: good skin and shiny hair
3.) Artichokes: reduce redness, clear skin
4.) Strawberries: stimulate collagen production, remove discoloration from teeth
5.) Sweet potatoes: fresh, smooth and clear skin
6.) Acai berries: antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids
7.) Salmon/mackerel/sardines: enhances radiance and reduces wrinkles and puffiness
8.) Kale/spinach: clear, wrinkle-free skin, makes whites of eyes brighter
9.) Quinoa: moisture-rich hair and glowing skin
10.) Kefir/Yogurt: skin appears luminous
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 | Labels: beauty, food, health | 0 Comments
4 Pieces of Clothing Every Guy/Gal Needs
Yes, guys and gals! I don't see my boyfriend wearing any of these in the near future though...I totally would if I were a guy (of course I would probably be either metrosexual or gay, but that's a whole different tangent!)
I realized I rely on most of these, except the leather jacket...I'll consider buying one of those when it's not like, 20 degrees outside. Until then, bring on my heavy-duty wool coat!
1.) Dark skinny jean
2.) Classic leather jacket
3.) Neutral-colored cardigan
4.) White v-necks
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 | Labels: fashion | 0 Comments
5 Cheap Workwear Ideas
Until I'm sitting in that corner office, I can rely on these tips:
1.) Wear cute, fashionable separates, pairing basic shapes with fun pieces
2.) Look through your jewelry for pieces you might have forgotten about
3.) Buy expensive looking shoes and purses
4.) Buy an inexpensive suit that has contemporary details
5.) Use pops of color in accessories, like an orange purse
Sunday, January 10, 2010 | Labels: economize, fashion, work | 0 Comments
7 Ways to Avoid Getting Sick
I know, probably common sense, but just FYI:
1.) Wash your hands
2.) Drink plenty of water
3.) Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night
4.) Eat lots of fruits and veggies
5.) Exercise regularly
6.) Remember that you can get germs just as easily at home as at other places
7.) Call the doc before heading to their office
Sunday, January 10, 2010 | Labels: health | 0 Comments
4 "Must Try" Foods for 2010
They're all healthy ideas too! Hopefully I'll be seeing them pop up in one of the 6 grocery stores around me:
1.) Pop Corn on the Cob (Available at MastGeneralStore.com): It's a dried cob of corn that you microwave for two minutes to get a delicious bowl of popcorn.
2.) TVP: Texturized Vegetable Protein (Available at Whole Foods Markets): Soy protein that has the texture of ground beef.
3.) Shirataki Noodles (Available at MiracleNoodle.com): No carbs, no calories. Shirataki Noodles can also be purchased at several Asian food stores and natural food stores, as well as a growing number of local grocery stores such as Ralphs, Safeway, Trader Joe's and Sunset Foods.
4.) Pepquiño Cucumbers(Available at Marx Foods): Miniture cucumbers which look like watermelons.
Sunday, January 10, 2010 | Labels: fads, food | 0 Comments
10 Best Foods for your Skin
I need to find a way to combine all these foods into one meal, probably not a good idea!
1.) Almonds-sun blocker
2.) Flax seeds-wrinkle fighter
3.) Cooked tomatoes-sun blocker
4.) Sweet potatoes-wrinkle fighter
5.) Spinach-cancer defender
6.) Safflower oil-natural moisterizer
7.) Canned tuna-skin tightener
8.) Carrots-blemish blaster
9.) Green tea-cancer defender
10.) Dark chocolate-sun blocker
Sunday, January 10, 2010 | Labels: beauty, food, health | 0 Comments
10 Foods for a Longer Life
Hello 100th birthday!
1.) Eggs. Substitutes: Egg Beaters egg substitute
2.) Green tea. Substitutes: Yerba mate, white tea, oolong tea, rooibos (red) tea
3.) Garlic. Substitutes: Onions, chives, leeks
4.) Grapefruit. Substitutes: Oranges, watermelon, tomatoes
5.) Greek yogurt. Substitutes: Kefir and yogurt with “live and active cultures” printed on the product label
6.) Avocado. Substitutes: olive, canola and peanut oils, peanut butter, tahini
7.) Quinoa. Substitutes: Oats, amaranth, millet, pearl barley, bulgur wheat
8.) Bell peppers. Substitutes: Carrots, sweet potatoes, watermelon
9.) Almonds. Substitutes: Walnuts, pecans, peanuts, sesame seeds, flaxseeds
10.) Swiss chard. Substitutes: Spinach, mustard greens, collard greens, watercress, arugula, romaine lettuce
Sunday, January 10, 2010 | Labels: food, health | 0 Comments